Torres | Williamsburg Show Review
By: Rachel Funderburk
Torres performing in Williamsburg
Recently, I had my first experience with concert photography, shooting the very lovely and talented Torres. I charged my camera up, hoping my lack of photography knowledge and a wide-angle lens wouldn’t completely demolish my chances of snagging some good pics. Dressed head to toe in black (that’s what you’re supposed to do right?), I took off to the subway, arriving at my platform just in time for the subway doors to close in my face. Not a comforting premonition!!! Nonetheless, I managed to arrive to the Music Hall of Williamsburg, snagging a spot right next to a photographer loaded with gear including a lens that was definitely as long as my forearm. As the lights dimmed and the opening, The Dove & The Wolf, came on, I apprehensively raised my camera, double and triple checking that my flash wasn’t going to magically turn on and blind the whole band. The group was quirky and fun, wearing matching red outfits and avidly engaging with the audience. As they played, I snapped a few shots, tentatively peering down at my display only to glimpse a mostly dark screen interrupted by some blurry, vaguely human shaped light. I panicked !!! My mind raced back through all the “first time concert photography” articles I’d read as I frantically switched between camera settings and hoped for the best. By the time Torres came on (in all her incredible glory), my breathing had stabilized, and I had somewhat figured out the basics. My intentions for the night basically became to take as many pictures as possible (probably annoying the heck out of my fellow photographer). The whole experience, though nerve-wracking, was incredibly exciting and fun.
Torres performing in Williamsburg
Torres herself provided the indie-rock-girl-power-performance of my dreams. A certain intensity was established the moment Mackenzie Scott strode onto the stage. Her music is versatile and dramatic, covering a range of ideas from religion to sexuality in a dark yet enticing way. There were times when the music seemed to take over, an almost dream-like trance coming over her as she’d stare straight ahead, captured by music and emotions. I was dying to know what was going through her head in these moments. This was one of those concerts where hours felt more like minutes, and by the time it was over, I was just wishing for more.
Torres performing in Williamsburg
Rachel is a part of the Gold Hand Journalism team
Heyo! I'm Rachel Funderburk, and I'm from Edmond, Oklahoma soon to be in New York City studying business and film at NYU. I'm all about girl power, creative vibes, and world travels, and I spend most of my time obsessing over my dogs, filling my home with plants, rewatching 80s movies, and listening to a ridiculous amount of political podcasts.
Instagram: @rachelfundy