Our CEO Alexa Ace Meets Lady Gaga Thanks To Verizon Up
+ November 10th, 2017. | The Email | 6:00 PM
A quick glance at my inbox left me speechless. The subject line said:
Subject: "Lady Gaga Opportunity."
I lock my phone, lay it on my bed, and pour a glass of water. As I contemplate the potential realness behind the subject line, I quickly return to my room and read the email in full. It stated-
"Good afternoon, Alexa!
My name is _ and I work with Verizon as part of their marketing team. We had a neat opportunity come available in your area and I wanted to reach out to see if you were interested in participating in a Verizon event with Lady Gaga.
If you choose to participate, you will be given a free ticket to the Lady Gaga show in Oklahoma City on December 9, 2017. This ticket will allow you to come early to the show (at 3:30pm) and go through the entire experience as a VIP.
Please let me know if you are interested in this experience and content creation.
Lost for words, I accept the opportunity and eagerly anticipate the next four weeks to come.
Throughout my many years as a music enthusiast, Lady Gaga's musical, spiritual, and habitual aesthetic introduced me to a movement of pure, limitless, fluidity. I've looked up to no one more for more years than you can count on both hands. This woman is an every day inspiration, and in just a few short weeks I'd be privately meeting her because of Verizon Up.
None of it felt real, and for those who are reading this, I need you to understand this isn't just some "sponsored post." Due to Verizon's new program #verizonup, I was given the opportunity to have one of my wildest dreams come true. This program is the real deal, and I'm the proof.
With #verizonup, Verizon customers get one credit for every $300 they spend on their Verizon Wireless monthly bill. One credit gets you one reward, and some don’t even need a credit! Rewards include unbelievable once in a life time experiences, such as front row tickets (helloo!), Uber Rides, Apple Music, Coffee, and more. Too good to be true. No points or levels required.
A friend I met in the VIP line!
December 9th, 2017 | Pre-Show | 3:30 PM
The day had finally arrived. I enter the arena wearing five inch glitter platform sneakers, and a short blonde wig. Amongst being given my VIP credentials, I remember even my bones quivering with sheer excitement. The VIP group was geared up in Gaga merchandise, ready to experience the full backstage package.
Our first stop was the backstage catering, this is where all 15 of us or so were provided with a meal and the option to speak with the crew. I sat down and spoke with Uma, Lady Gaga's head of VIP Representative. I spoke with her about how she obtained her position, and asked her words of advice for someone aspiring to do something similar within the music business. Little did I know that I'd be repeating a similar question to someone else just hours later.. *winks*
From there, the group got to watch the band soundcheck. Lady Gaga herself did not sound check, as I feel most big artists don't much anymore. This was still so cool, however. Imagine walking into an empty arena, only to know that the seats you're visualizing will soon be filled with strangers of all different backgrounds, race, religions, etc. It was the calm before the storm, and I was in awe. I felt at home.
Next was a quick lesson over the different stages, and a backstage tour. We were even able to stand on Gaga's riser and see her perspective- this is the same platform that she comes out on.
Following this was backstage hospitality, where the VIP group was given a separate part of the arena for pre-show drinks and snacks. The coolest part about hospitality was that they played unreleased Lady Gaga songs, and had massive photos of her everywhere! I was high-key hyped. I now owe my life to #verizonup for the best pre-show experience ever.
....but it gets better.
December 9th, 2017 | SHOW TIME | 8:30 PM
The lights went off, and I swear I could feel the pound of my heart throughout the entirety of my body. Opening up with "Diamond Heart," Lady Gaga arose with energy, confidence, and .. rhinestones.
Let's do this.
I didn't expect her to play songs such as Scheiße, or Bloody Mary, but it was when she sang Edge of Glory I about lost my mind. Tears came like a flood, I couldn't believe any of it. As she poured out every ounce of talent an artist could suffice, the lights shone across the sold out crowd. There was something about the beauty of a sea of strangers coming together for music which made me feel life is worth it.
iphone quality!
This was one of the best shows of my life, and if you were there, well you know why.
Sitting next to me was a customer of Verizon who's husband surprised her with the Verizon Up Reward's Program Tickets. She spoke with me about how her mother had just recently passed, and that Gaga was one of her mothers favorite artists. Sitting alongside me in the front row, the Verizon customer mentioned this Lady Gaga concert meant the world to her.
Closing with "A Million Reasons," I could feel myself swelling with humbleness. This opportunity could literally happen to any loyal Verizon customer with #verizonup, and I could not have been more thankful for the night.
December 9th, 2017 | QUESTION & ANSWER / PHOTO OP WITH LADY GAGA | 11:00 PM
If you've made it this far, well, this was the best part of the night. After the show, the VIP's were once again escorted backstage for our final VIP Experience Opportunity.
Acting as if we're all best friends, the VIP group (including myself) gushed about the show as we sat in a room of no more than 20 (including the bodyguards).
We then got a 30 minute one-on-one exclusive question and answer, and photo opportunity with the queen herself.