Dedicated to empowering and connecting women in the music industry, Gold Hand Girls is a multimedia music platform providing a bold response to breaking industry norms, conquering patriarchal statistics and elevating universal inspiration for women, men and members of the non-binary community.

Join us in spreading inspiration.



With the success of the past three months, Gold Hand has decided that hosting shows just isn’t enough! We live for knowing that there is no better time than the present. We want to do it all, all the time.



And guess what??

We want YOU to write for us. We want to hold your GOLD HAND and bask in your talents! We want your words to shine with the world. We want you.

There are no rules to this game other than you must identify as a female, and to be in the creative/entertainment industry in one way or another. Including but not limited to: Music Journalism, Fashion Journalism, Journalism, Graphic Design, Business Entrepreneurship, Live Arts, Theatre, and Film.

Topics you may write over are focused on music & fashion, lifestyle, mental health, and career experiences/advice.

College gals- becoming a Gold Hand Girls Journalist will entitle you to volunteer hours, internship hours, and a quick resume boost. In addition to that, becoming a Gold Hand Girls Journalist will expand your knowledge on leadership capabilities, targeting demographics, and understanding the importance of social media marketing. If you are chosen, you will also work alongside us at our Gold Hand concerts across the country and will also be entitled to interview our hosts and musicians.

Please email a cover letter, sample of your writing, and resume to

There are only TWO positions available. Deadline is April 26th, 7:00pm.

Gold Hand will send you an email in regards to your application by Monday, April 28th.

Shine on <3
-Gold Hand Girls Team




Meet Our Fabulous Fayetteville Hosts Chloe' and Steffi!

Meet Our Fabulous Fayetteville Hosts Chloe' and Steffi!