INTERVIEW: Chloe Lilac 2023
Chloe Lilac by Sam Friedman
Jack: At what age was your earliest memory of music?
Chloe: My earliest memory of music was when I was 6 in the car. My big cousin would burn us CD’s because my parents didn’t really like listening to the radio. Ain’t No Other Man by Christina Aguilera came on and from then I was hooked. I remember being like who is that and how can I sound like her?
Jack: You first released your debut single “Reckless” in 2017 — How has your sound evolved since then?
Chloe: My sound has evolved so much since Reckless. I was 15 when Reckless came out, Im 21 now. I try to be a lot more intentional with my lyrics now, I also feel like my sound is really rock influenced nowadays, versus back then it was a lot more bedroom pop inspired.
Jack: What activity do you imagine your fans are doing while listening to your music?
Chloe: I would hope my fans would be scream singing in the car to my songs with their friends. Those are the best moments, right? Just letting go and having fun with the people you love.
Jack: In your latest EP “You were good to me” you have a song called “Sound in my head” which is my personal favorite. What experiences inspired this song and how has it been received by fans?
Chloe: Sound in My Head was inspired by a few things. At the time I was dating someone, and I was scared to let them in and see how messed up I really am. I was also just in a really dark place with my mental health, really struggling with my anxiety, depression and abandonment issues. The reception from fans was amazing. My favorite part of making music is being able to connect with my fans. This one was special because what I was going through at the time was so isolating, and it was so amazing to see so many people relate to it.
Jack: You have been making music since you were ten and began releasing at fourteen, has your music taste evolved and changed since then?
Chloe: Honestly, not much has changed since then taste wise. I feel like Ive always been into the same stuff. The pixies are still my favorite band and I have pretty much the same style. I think I was a little more closed off in what I thought was cool. I was very self conscious about being cool. I don’t care if I’m cool anymore, I just want to have fun.
Jack: “You were good to me” was released with four tracks and the deluxe version featured six songs. Why did you save “Sound in my head” and “Taxidermy” for the deluxe edition?
Chloe: I mainly saved Sound in My Head and Taxidermy for the deluxe EP, cause we made them after the initial EP was already out. We didn’t want to sit on the songs for too long, plus they really fit into the theme of the You Were Good to Me anyways!
Jack: In “How does your girlfriend feel about it” you mention the astrological sign cancer, what is your sign?
Chloe: My sign is virgo! Im a double virgo scorpio rising. I was born September 17th, 2001 for anyone wondering when my birthday is!
Chloe Lilac by Sam Friedman